Language: English
2022-08-12, 11:30–14:00, Hardware hacking area
Anyone can learn to solder!
Anyone can learn to make music, sound (and noise!) with computer chips!
Learn to solder together a cool, powerful music synthesizer, and learn to make cool music, sound, and noise!
ArduTouch is an open hardware Arduino-compatible music synthesizer kit with a built-in touch keyboard, and with built-in speaker/amplifier.
This workshop is for total newbies to learn to solder.
This workshop is for total newbies to make their own ArduTouch music synthesizer.
This workshop is for total newbies to learn to make music, sound (and noise!) with computer chips.
The ArduTouch comes pre-programmed with a way cool synthesizer. And I will show you how to re-program it with other way cool (and totally different) synthesizers.
This workshop is suitable for all skill levels. Participants will all learn to solder by making an ArduTouch music synthesizer from a kit. I will also give an overview of how the synthesizer works, so you will understand how to make sound from a computer chip. I guarantee this kit will work after you solder it (during the workshop, or later, at home)!
The ArduTouch comes pre-programmed with a really nice music synthesizer (a 4-voice sawtooth waveform generator) -- called "Thick", that makes super phat sounds.
An ArduTouch Arduino library is available for programming in more super nice synthesizers, with lots and lots of features. The library also comes with many way cool example synthesizer sketches that also serve as a tutorial for making your own ArduTouch synthesizers (which are Arduino sketches). In the last part of this workshop I will show you how to re-program the ArduTouch synthesizer.
ArduTouch currently has 10 totally different synthesizers available! Synth sounds include way beautiful to metal to noise to drones, drum/bass machine sequencer, to spacey psychedelic music or harsh musical sounds, . . .
For those who want to learn more, the documentation teaches the basics of Digital Signal Processing for audio generation.
This workshop is for total newbies!
Taught by Mitch Altman.
Is an extra payment required? –35 € materials cost per participant + optional programming cable for 6 €
Mitch Altman is an international hacker, inventor, entrepreneur, author, mentor, best known for starting Noisebridge hackerspace and inventing TV-B-Gone, which turns off TVs in public places.
Wikipedia page:
TEDxBrussels talk: "The Hackerspace Movement":