Workshop for the cutest LED earrings ever (Dutch/English)
2024-08-16, 20:00–22:00, Hardware hacking area
Language: English

So you’re camping out in the woods but forgot your torch light? Just put on your cute blinking earrings and they’ll light you the way to the next party place!

Accessible for all ages, beginners and designers. We want to be inspired by your ideas and designs!

We’ll do:
- soldering (that’s hot and can burn)
- assembling (tiny stuff that should not be eaten)
Small kids should bring someone to help be safe.

We’ll work in small groups and try start a new round of workshop every 30 minutes. Let’s see how that goes! :)

Team: Belinda (she/her), Katrijne (she/her), Kristin (she/her), Mara (they/them)

What's the maximum amount of participants you can host?


Non-binary. Into gardening, noise and writing. Never liked jewelry before encountering the LED earrings.