Sweet 4x4 : the return
2024-08-16, 16:00–18:00, Solder station
Language: English

Since explaining N-Key rollover on mechanical keyboards is hard, this workshop is designed to experience it hands on. Oh, and you'll walk home with a (hopefully functional) mechanical keyboard macropad.

You'll get all all parts to create a 4x4 mechanical keyboard macropad, optionally using one rotary encoder. We want to dive a little deeper into the (electrical) workings of the macropad, and spend some time on experiencing what a keyboard without N-Key rollover is.

Soldering experience (through hole components) is required for this workshop, even in 2 hours we'll be on a tight schedule.

The created macropad uses a brand new LANA TNY controller - we're keeping fingers crossed there will be a circuit python port for this controller by the time Fri3d takes place (update : looks like that won't be the case).
NOTE : you can use your own MCU's, as long as they have the XIAO footprint. Our LANA TNY firmware will be extremely basic, support for this chip will expand in the coming months.

What's the maximum amount of participants you can host?


Is an extra payment required?

€25 for parts. PCB's and MCU's are sponsored by AQC and Phyx.

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Just an average geek interested in too many things at once. I'd like to be able to do everything everywhere all at once.